Lavender Oil for Hair

When you are not sure what essential oil you should use, this is a very normal feeling. There are so many options to choose from, that finding the perfect one can be very overwhelming. That is why we are here to tell you today bout lavender oil. This article will not only give you insight […]

Why Have a Cat?

There are tons of reasons to own a pet, especially cats. Having a cat can be a great way to teach kids about responsibility. Cats are generally low-maintenance and can offer companionship as well. Most young children are more than capable of taking care of a cat, whether it’s changing the litter box, feeding, or […]

Does Lying About Santa Harm Children?

I highly doubt Saint Nicholas himself would have condoned this tradition. It’s one thing to dress up as Santa and spread joy to children, and it is another to lie to them about who it is inside that suit. There are times when parents need to hide certain truths from their children, if only for […]

Short Hair Treatment

When you’re trying to figure out how to curl short hair with heat, there’s literally about a thousand different places that you could start. You can take the long route and blow dry your wet hair. This takes a long time because even after you come out of the shower your hair wants to bounce […]

Grey’s Anatomy

It’s not just a show, it’s a way of life. And the funny thing is that it’s been around for more than half of my life. It’s like a soap opera in that sense, but the plot is so much more exciting and dynamic. And the characters, oh the characters. There’s the original cast, the […]